The Cost Of Indecision: Why Sticking With Outdated Claims Administration Software May Hurt You

Do Not Fall Further Behind and Let Obsolete Technology Cost You Dearly
In the rapidly shifting landscape of healthcare, sticking with outdated claims administration software isn’t just a missed opportunity—it’s a growing liability. As mergers, acquisitions, or simply a vendor that no longer meets your needs come into play, the risks of delay become steep. Your organization’s efficiency, innovation, and financial health are on the line. Now is the time to face the truth: holding onto ineffective solutions could become your most expensive mistake.
The Bottom Line: Indecision is a Decision That Can Impact Your Organization’s Future


Inefficiency: The Cost of Staying with a Wrong-Fit Vendor

When your software no longer fits your needs, you’re likely paying more for less. Vendors that fail to invest in technology and functionality leave you running yesterday’s business on outdated capabilities. Clients using modern software can see up to a 7x improvement in efficiency—imagine doubling or tripling your business without needing additional hard-to-find talent. If you’re currently patching gaps with multiple solutions, the real cost of finding a right-fit vendor is often far less than you’re already paying.


Technology Costs of Staying with the Old

Your organization faces significant challenges when your software vendor fails to meet your needs, whether due to sunsetting products, mergers, or a lack of innovation. The result? You’re left scrambling for workarounds, diverting resources from essential tasks to troubleshooting.


No Longer Future Proof

A vendor’s innovation should match your needs. If your current software vendor’s roadmap is lacking or they’re failing to deliver on past promises, you risk falling behind. In a rapidly evolving market, client satisfaction and renewals are at stake.


An Opportunity to Upgrade Your Software

Seize the chance to find your ideal software partner. Rather than waiting for disruptions to force your hand, proactively assess your software requirements and ensure they align with a vendor who truly meets your needs. Upgrading isn’t just about replacing old technology—it’s about empowering your organization to excel with a solution that evolves with you.


Behold! A Better Option

Revolutionize Your Business with VBA’s Comprehensive Solutions
VBA isn’t just another vendor; we’re your strategic partner in transforming claims and benefits administration. Our cutting-edge technology and unparalleled flexibility are designed to evolve with your organization, not the other way around.


Don’t let a disappointing vendor hold you back. Upgrade to a system that matches the speed of your business and adapts to your needs. Contact our knowledgeable sales team today at and discover how VBA can propel your organization forward with unparalleled speed, efficiency, and support. Welcome to the last partner you’ll ever need.


Demand these 7 must-have features from your software vendor.